So, here we go...

Fine Liner & Pro Marker- Sywell Country Park 30mins

Observational sketches at the beach in Bude. Drawn in Marker & Digital tone

Observational sketches at the beach in Bude. Drawn in Marker.

Sergio Designed the Characters for Rio and helpled create the look and design of the film.
His colour ans lighting is incredible and he wipes the floor with my characters!! He is a very inspiring artist and it is a complete honor and a real credit for him to work with my concepts.... and the fact he kept my layout EXACTLY as i had drawn it made me very happy :)
This next series of images shows my process, as to how i would develop one of my concept pieces on Rio.

Ok, Posting is taking a lot longer than i had anticipated, and i've got a flight to catch.... so i'll have to cut it short for now.... Hopefully iv left you all with a few new scribbles to keep you busy for now.
I'll continue to post whilst im in LA and keep you all up to date with my latest doodles etc.
Thanks again, like always to every one who gets in touch and for all your incredible support!!
Take care, God Bless and see you real soon!!
Tori Cat.xx