Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Tonal Production Still. Colour coming soon...


Uli Meyer said...

Excellent! Can't wait to see the color version.

TH3DEN said...

awesome!! i'm always in awe of your work :D so much attention to detail yet nothing ever gets lost :). colour should make it even more amazing. can't wait!! :D

Food and Drugs said...

Are them really yours?
They have a lot of quality

Anonymous said...

Wow, you sure have a great talent here. Love your work!

C.B. Canga said...

nice work

C.B. Canga said...

i like the composition to this layout. looks like a fun place to hang out.

Alfred Llupia said...

Nice work!great blog!with your consent im gonna link yours to my favourites.Cheers!

libra bear said...

Your killing me Tori.....

DINTOONS said...

whew amazing talent, and amazing work on your blog!! thanx for the inspiration tori cat! :)

Ken said...

hey tori this is lookin sweet! The environment really sells this guys character... It really conveys his personality

Yeh its good your still workin away, keeping active... its a bit of a crap situation for ya, I hope your feeling better soon. On the plus side, gives you the chance to create lots of awesome artwork!

Glad ya like my paintings, thanks for that. Haha yeh it took me a while to get used to using both programs, I wish all short cuts were standardised... ach watercolours are hard! cannae use Ctrl-Z!!!

Thanks again, hope to see you around, oh and hope u can make it to our second gig tomorrow!

Ken :D

Boris Hiestand said...

I'd love to get a camera floating in there... nice work!

goRan said...

Nice work! Can't wait to see more!

Viola Baier said...

Cool stuff!!! I'll add you to my link list, if you don't mind!

Martin Wittig said...

Really great! Cheers to your talent!

Ben Ho said...

Hey Tori! Thanks for dropping by with your words of wisdom. You know, Im hoping to emulate your heroics this year :P But hopefully no broken shoulder for me!
This place is growing full of eye candy! Good to see you still rock at the environments. Love the Mickys too!
You even got Mike Dutton watching your blog. He's an artist I really respect! Envy! Keep it up!

Manny Mederos said...

Awesome Piece! Love all of the gray tones!!

Geoff King said...

oooh :) cheeky grin*
your right. its all i see everyday.
i dont think i'll leave it up long.
Cant wait to see how far you take banjo raccoon. you have one of my fav blogs

Chainsaw said...

Awesome and solid. Good to see people who still draw instead of just push paint around